
Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) Toolkit: Second Edition

The Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) Toolkit is intended for use by Ministry or Department of Education staff, donor staff, practitioners, and professionals in the field of education development. The document, in 12 sections, seeks to summarize a large body of research in an accessible manner. The procedures described in this toolkit are to be used in all USAID-funded administrations of EGRA and, it is hoped, in all other EGRA administrations as well. In the interest of consolidating diverse experiences and developing a reasonably standardized approach to assessing children’s early reading acquisition, this “toolkit,” or user manual, serves as a guide for countries beginning to work with EGRA in such areas as local adaptation of the instrument, fieldwork, and analysis of results.

RTI International
Toolkits and resources
Africa Wide
Asia and Pacific
Central America
Middle East
North Africa
North America
South America
Licensing Condition
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0